AGM 2024 - Community Invitation


Dear Parent, Carers and Friends of OOSH,

We will be holding our AGM (annual general meeting) on Thursday 4th April at 6:30pm,
OOSH is run by a committee of volunteer parents who meet up every 6 weeks over a cheese board to discuss and support the OOSH team.

All parents are invited to the AGM, where we will discuss the previous year and set goals for 2024. During the AGM there will be an opportunity for new parents to join our committee. There is absolutely no pressure to join but if your child attends oosh and you would like to meet with other like-minded oosh parents every 6 weeks to support the service we would love to hear from you.
If you would like more information about the AGM and or committee please feel free to speak to Matias, Lily or Aaliyah.

So we can cater accordingly please can you RSVP to let us know that you are coming sending us an email to by Monday 1st April.

If you require babysitting in order to attend please reach out and we will host a pizza and a movie in a school classroom for your child/children.

Beauty Point OOSH

M I 0418 609 993 T I 9960 1095 F I 9960 6269